1. Accreditation and qualifications: • Is your program accredited and by which organisation? • What qualifications or certifications do your graduates receive?
2. Programme structure and content: • What does the curriculum include, and how does it align with current educational standards? • How do you integrate new research and teaching strategies? • Can the program be tailored to specific needs such as STEM education or special education?
3. Practical experience: • What amount of practical teaching experience is included? • How do you ensure a diverse range of teaching experiences? • What type of support and supervision do trainees receive during placements?
4. Mentorship and Support: • How is the professional development of mentors supported? • What support systems are in place for both trainee and mentor during the placement? • How are mentors and trainees matched?
5. Assessment and evaluation: • How do you assess trainee progress and competence? • What feedback mechanisms are in place for trainees and schools to provide input on experiences? • How are challenges with trainee performance addressed?
6. Outcomes and success rates: • Can you provide testimonials or case studies from past participants? • How many trainees gain employment in their placement schools?
7. Logistics and costs: • What are the logistical arrangements including timelines and schedules? • Are there costs involved for the school or trainees? • How is funding structured, and are there grants or subsidies available? • How do schools claim mentor funding?
8. Partnership and communication: • How do you envision the partnership with our school? • What are the expectations and responsibilities of each party? • Is there a formal partnership agreement? • How is ongoing communication managed during trainee placements? • How are issues resolved if they arise?